Oregon falls in the Pacific Mountains and Valleys and Intermontaine Basins and Plateaus part of the physiographic regions in the United States. Two of Oregon's most famous physical features are Crater Lake and Mount Hood.
Crater Lake
Crater Lake, a caldera lake located in southern Oregon, is the deepest lake in the United States. It was formed by the collapse of a volcano almost 8,000 years ago. It has no tributaries or rivers connected to it and the water supply is kept consistent from precipitation and rainfall.
Mount Hood
Mount Hood is a stratovocano located in the Cascade Volcanic Arc. It is the highest peak in Oregon at 11,240 feet. It is considered to be the volcano most likely to erupt in Oregon even though the volcano is mostly considered dormant. The last time there was any aolcanic actvity at Mount Hood was in 1907.
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